Anthony Ross
ONE OF THE WORSE schools out there. The school is built on lies and hypocrisy. They claim to be a social justice school yet they have an award system in place. Social Justice means that everyone is treated fairly and no one should be more superior then others. When you have awards saying that this person has better attendance then everyone else shows to prove that they really don't care about social justice. Some students are lucky they have parents to take them to school by car, others have to rely on other means of transportation.
One student has been over glorified just because hes an undocumented student that is going to MIT.(which I'm glad they accepted him to) No one student should be over glorified regardless of whatever the outcome has been. Many people go to these prestigious schools but they don't go on their local news stations to tell everyone.
This school preps students to be college ready at the sacrifice for have something life changing like home economics. Its 2017, lets be real here. Both parents have to work just to keep the family clothed, fed, and have a roof over their head. Sure the school has programs that help out with financial aid for college but what about managing money for their future? Not everyone gets a free ride to a prestigious university like that over glorified student. Many students WILL go into debt thanks to this school. Even with financial aid, not that many students will get the same amount even with scholarships. I have no doubts about it because life is literally full of debts and you cannot escape its grasp, I just wish the school thought its students that instead of rushing them to go to the best college out there.
I will admit the teachers are the best out there but the school staff... not the friendliest people. I've been treated better at McDonald's and they don't even smile at me. The principal is all but a joke, He mostly spends time with the elementary students rather then giving life changing advice to the high schoolers. The lady that takes care of attendance is the most nastiest person you'll ever meet. She once said,"I was never late to anything in my life ever" and good for her but not everyone will be a golden student like she was. Some students have it bad in their lives and all you could do is tell them to come early. It would be nice if she could change her attitude and help the students rather then lecturing them about how they won't graduate. Here's a quick fix if you're reading this lady. Talk to the student and ask whats going on in their lives because you never know what is truly going on in their lives. You're there to help the students have a good attendance not tell them at the last minute that they wont graduate because no one talked to them about it. If not then just be truthful and tell them that you're there to just sit in small room making money signing papers and being gone half of the time when students need you the most. Thanks for nothing NOW academy, Your lies and hypocrisy will live on for years to come!! Keep giving your students awards that will surely let others down for who they are. Also make sure when the next student goes to one of those really high-end prestigious universities to give them a golden pedestal for them to stand on regardless of citizenship. I'm pretty sure the last student who went to the high end universities was never followed around with cameramen and new reporters. But you're all about Social Justice because that what you are right? Social justice for all?