I attended here from 2016 to 2019, at which time I submitted an extremely overdue withdrawal request and transferred. In the spirit of fairness, I will first list the pros of CofO: *some* of the faculty and staff hired there are the most proficient, kind, and hardworking individuals you could ever meet. I am certain they are not paid nearly enough nor appreciated enough for the genuine care they have for the students. They are truly significant exceptions to the generally foul and deceptive operations of the college at large. Now for the cons. CofO is a scam and almost every one of the advertised benefits and core tenets upon which they flaunt the 'uniqueness' of their model is a blatant lie. For starters, the college is in no way, shape, or form "free." There are hefty fees sprinkled throughout the entirety of your stay. $250 "health and tech fees" twice per year, and over $8,000 per year out of pocket for room and board should you be unlucky enough to not receive the Summer Work Program to pay these expenses. The latter alone has led to many withdrawals of people who simply cannot afford to attend this "free" college. The reasons to avoid this place do not at all stop there, however. This college is riddled to a dangerous extreme with arbitrary rules, and disobedience of any sort is punished with severe consequences. Students are kicked out of college consistently as if they have an expulsion quota. This results in permanent stains left on personal records, making for very difficult and humiliating explanations to family and friends, not to mention future colleges or employers. Expulsion-worthy offenses include but are not limited to: low work grades, drinking on OR off campus, women wearing shorts with less than a 5 inch inseam, any extramarital s*xual activity on OR off campus, creating/distributing/interacting with memes that are in any way irreverent of the college or its leaders, missing curfew by even 1 minute, not attending enough of the endless required chapel services or convocations, not cleaning your room well enough every week... the list is eternally ongoing. Most shockingly of all, I have known of several instances of the college's rigid rule adherence and otherwise outright neglect of students' safety that have resulted in easily preventable tragedy: Losses including the de*ths of students for whom the college clinic would not treat or call emergency services, as well as an infamous case of two students who were s*xually assaulted by a homeless man in their vehicle after sleeping in an off campus parking lot because they were afraid to enter campus after curfew. The college is EXTREMELY image conscious, and as such it will be difficult for those outside the college to gain access to the details of such events. In general, campus life is oppressive, demanding, and cruel. Dorm rooms are old, small, and structurally unsafe, as well as filled with black mold and cockroaches. Food safety is inconsistent, dubious. I cannot count the times I've contracted food poisoning there. Academics are average to poor quality. Administration is aloof to and often the direct cause of incompetence in the design of campus functions and features, despite their insistence that they are there to help any students with concerns. College life isn't dreadful for everyone attending, a lucky few have purported to have had a pleasant time at CofO. Unfortunately, it is too easy for such people to dismiss some unsavory realities with a very cavalier and condescending, "That wasn't MY experience, you just don't want to work hard!" The college employs a variety of techniques to encourage widespread approval of their business model, which are predictably very effective on a few. Namely, treating it as everyone's God-ordained imperative and privilege to attend CofO. I was incredibly disappointed by my experience at this "college", and I would implore anyone to consider almost any other choice for a school.